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Home ➤ Projects

April 23, 2023
15 minutes to read
6 minute read
Artwork description: An image with 3 photos surrounded by a lilac coloured background.
First image on the right: A close up of sherbet (purple, orange and multiple shades of pink) polka dot fabric clown figures. Two heart shaped clown faces visible one above the other. The faces are lilac felted fabric, a black button for each pair of eyes. The eyes of the top face are each surrounded by 4 petal shapes and a 3 clover shaped mouth or nose below, all shapes in orange with pink outlines. The bottom face with eyes surrounded by 4 petals has a heart shaped nose or mouth, all shapes in pink with orange outlines. Second image in the centre: A full body length of someone wearing a handmade clown costume with sherbet polka dot fabric and long limbs of shiny lilac purple fabric with shiny silver cuffs between the extensions of the limbs. No part of the person’s skin or hair is visible.
Two clown faces are visible. One around the head of the costume, the other around the stomach. Both faces are heart shaped lilac fabric with a pair of black button eyes and 4 petals around each eye. Below the eyes are an upside down heart on the top face, a diamond shape on the bottom face. All shapes are orange and pink. The top of the costume and upper clown face has 3 ball shapes of polka dot fabric on the top and either side of the clown face. Below the clown face is a silver ruff collar. The lower clown face has a very tall pointy hat of polka dot fabric.
The person is wearing black pants and shiny silver fabric around their feet, as shoes.
The background is a purple mural wall with some rectangular shapes in purple, red, pink and turquoise. Third image to the left: A person wearing a version of the sherbet polka dot and lilac clown costume posing in a downtown alleyway. 3 clown faces are attached to this costume. The clown face with very pointy hat is at the top of the costume. A second clown face is off to the right side of the person’s torso. The third clown with 3 round shapes on head is centred in the stomach area of the costume.
The person is posing with the extra long pair of lilac arms open wide, extra limb fabric draping down, with two giant handmade glove hands in a shiny fabric at the bottom of each arm.
Artwork description: An image with 3 photos surrounded by a lilac coloured background.
First image on the right: A close up of sherbet (purple, orange and multiple shades of pink) polka dot fabric clown figures. Two heart shaped clown faces visible one above the other. The faces are lilac felted fabric, a black button for each pair of eyes. The eyes of the top face are each surrounded by 4 petal shapes and a 3 clover shaped mouth or nose below, all shapes in orange with pink outlines. The bottom face with eyes surrounded by 4 petals has a heart shaped nose or mouth, all shapes in pink with orange outlines. Second image in the centre: A full body length of someone wearing a handmade clown costume with sherbet polka dot fabric and long limbs of shiny lilac purple fabric with shiny silver cuffs between the extensions of the limbs. No part of the person’s skin or hair is visible.
Two clown faces are visible. One around the head of the costume, the other around the stomach. Both faces are heart shaped lilac fabric with a pair of black button eyes and 4 petals around each eye. Below the eyes are an upside down heart on the top face, a diamond shape on the bottom face. All shapes are orange and pink. The top of the costume and upper clown face has 3 ball shapes of polka dot fabric on the top and either side of the clown face. Below the clown face is a silver ruff collar. The lower clown face has a very tall pointy hat of polka dot fabric.
The person is wearing black pants and shiny silver fabric around their feet, as shoes.
The background is a purple mural wall with some rectangular shapes in purple, red, pink and turquoise. Third image to the left: A person wearing a version of the sherbet polka dot and lilac clown costume posing in a downtown alleyway. 3 clown faces are attached to this costume. The clown face with very pointy hat is at the top of the costume. A second clown face is off to the right side of the person’s torso. The third clown with 3 round shapes on head is centred in the stomach area of the costume.
The person is posing with the extra long pair of lilac arms open wide, extra limb fabric draping down, with two giant handmade glove hands in a shiny fabric at the bottom of each arm.

Mariya Lepp Interview

Artist response by

ivy hazard

An inquiry about Beethoven's favourite fruit.
Click to read the interview
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