
Database Map (Future feature)

This page is a sample layout of a future feature of the archive which will include locations of database items/events to explore.
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Google Maps placeholder image
Image description: Large Google Maps image labelled Melbourne in the middle.
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This component will only work on the published/exported site. Full documentation in Finsweet's Attributes docs.

London Disability Event

100 Oxford Street,
London W1D 1LL UK

Event Place

100 Oxford Street,
London W1D 1LL UK

Object Location

100 Oxford Street,
London W1D 1LL UK


100 Oxford Street,
London W1D 1LL UK

Object Location

100 Oxford Street,
London W1D 1LL UK

Object Location

100 Oxford Street,
London W1D 1LL UK


100 Oxford Street,
London W1D 1LL UK

Object Location

100 Oxford Street,
London W1D 1LL UK
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