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Disability Arts and Activism Archive Preview Launch

Digital Documentation of Disability Art & Activism History of B.C.

The Disability Arts & Activism Archive is a project documenting the history of disability arts and disability organizing across what is colonially known as British Columbia. We’re an independent project supported by Kickstart Disability Arts & Culture and funded by a grant from Canada Council for the Arts. We are building the archive from the ground up with interviews, artwork, a digital database, a website, and future projects to come.

The archive traces much-needed disability movement and arts history across what is colonially called British Columbia. Reflecting on broader movements across “North America” and even globally, how can we better honour work that has been done by marginalized disabled people in an ongoing and accessible way?

This version of the website is the first public preview of the digital archive. The archive and preview website launch event happened on April 22nd, 2023 (click here for the  event information link). The full website and archive, including full accessibility features, are still in construction. We appreciate your support through the different stages of the project.

The Disability Arts and Activism Archive launch event was held on Zoom and live streamed on Youtube. The recorded event is available through the Youtube video below.